Covid 19
Caring about the health, safety, and well-being of our workspace communities is a core value of Bluepoint Executive Suites. We continue to support our members from within our offices as our local government agencies end the shelter-in-place measures. In our wish to be proactive, we have new health and safety protocols. We will update this page as things change, or as we receive new information from our public health agencies.
Health and Safety Protocol
Entering the Community
Daily temperature/symptom screening for Bluepoint Staff members:
- Bluepoint employees will check their own temperature with a no-touch thermometer before each shift. Temperature must be 99.9 degrees or lower to enter. Individuals with a temperature of 100 degrees or higher are not permitted in the space and must stay at home for at least 72 hours before returning.
- If a member or guest does not have a mask, our staff will provide one and they will be asked to put on the mask. Each person is required to wear a mask in our common areas
- Masks should be worn everywhere in the common areas except when someone is in their private office with the door shut. Individuals must have a mask available inside their office in case anyone knocks and comes in. Each person must wear a mask in all community areas like hallways, lounge, reception, copy area, mail retrieval area, or any space that is not a single person office with the door shut. Masks must always cover the nose and mouth when in the common areas.
- Bluepoint staff reserves the right to ask symptomatic guests/members about symptoms (cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, headache, stuffy nose). Have they been around anyone that has been exposed in the last 10 days? If the answer to the question is yes, they are not allowed to enter the space until 10 days since their exposure.
- Sanitizer will be available in common areas.
Work-spaces, Meeting Rooms, Lounge, Copy & Mail Areas:
Cleaning & Sanitizing:
- Common areas, high-traffic areas, door handles, and light switches will be cleaned with sanitizer on a regular basis.
- Meeting room tables and chairs, and remote controls will be cleaned after every meeting with sanitizer.
- Tables and chairs in common areas will be cleaned regularly.
- Copy and Print Station will be sanitized throughout the day.
- Always maintain social distancing of six feet and respect others.
Meeting Rooms (De-densification)
- Each seat needs to be at least six feet apart and meeting rooms should have more space between the participants. Seats have been removed to create proper and safe spacing.
- If food is brought into the office it should be in single-serving packaging and not available for people to serve themselves out of a large dish, bag, or larger container (i.e. a bag of bagels for everyone to share is not permitted at this time). In short – please do not share food.
- Coffee, coffee creamer and sugars are in single use packets
Hygiene guidelines for all
- We have ordered and will install hands-free sanitizers for everyone’s convenience.
- Please bring your own mask and sanitizers for your personal/daily use. Masks will be provided for those who don’t have one, but we ask members, guests, and staff who are in the space daily to provide their own masks and hand sanitizer as supplies can be difficult to obtain and quantity limits are still in place for many items.
Everyone should be washing their hands frequently. Use your arm or sleeve when coughing or sneezing, not your hands, and use hand sanitizer regularly. Dispose of any tissues immediately and wash your hands or use sanitizer any time you have used tissues. If you experience any symptoms seek medical attention immediately and please remove yourself from the space. If you feel sick or unwell – stay home.
We are so grateful to our community leaders and Bluepoint staff who are on the front lines of ensuring the health and safety of members, guests, and all who enter our spaces.
Contact Kenneth Rose, Broker to Schedule a Private Tour : 301-983-3500